It has been a long time since I sat my self down here and pontificated my disturbed thoughts and wicked observations. I got caught up in outside stuff of moving rocks and dirt and then we did some traveling and then the family came to visit and back to yard work etc etc. Lousy excuses when I vowed to my self I would create one comic strip per day. It is all mental, looking at a blank piece of white paper and actually drawing out gags.
Where do the gags come from so many people have been asked and I for one see them out of the side of my eyes. If I am looking directly at something no gag will appear but somehow by staring out the sides of my eyes they come to me. Some would call it looking outside the box or is that thinking outside the box?
The other day I was reading another blog called "Hyperbole and a Half
This blog is about a dog and the relationship between the dog and it's owner or human companion. The lady who writes the thing got off on a thing about the words "A Lot". Since lots of people do not realize these are two word they put them together and it comes out as an Alot. Apparently lots of people do not understand the concept of spell check but that is another story for another time. Here she was discribing what an ALOT looks like and what an ALOT eats etc. As I am reading this ode to the Alot it made me feel so secure in my insecurity in that I have come to find other people see things as other do not just as I do.
I have also wondered about those who miss use the words There and Their and I have started to wonder if tweeter or twitter is taking over the English language. I am also seeing new words apparently such as: UR, LOL, BTW and other strange ways to say simple thoughts. The French used to get upset with the fact that so many American words were starting to creep into the French language and they even held protests at the local McDonald's to protest Le Big Mac. Is it our fault Americans are loved so much in France?
Anyway tomorrow I promise to start posting my silly assed comic strip here for the foreseeable future. If the Rapture happens on Saturday night I will probably still be here on Sunday since they are only taking to good normal people and the rest of us will have to make do, for the next 1,000 years. I would suggest if you are not yet stocked up on ice cream and beer you best do it now while you still can. We do not know if the beer makers are going to go up in the first part of the rapture but I figure all the cows will since I doubt they have been doing much along the line of sinning. Anyway until tomorrow. TTFN
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